
My first (of many) rant on stupidity

I figured out a long time ago when I was much younger that people are stupid. But it seems that time and time again I can't help but get irked by their continuous helpless need to be so stupid and lack complete and utter common sense. Who am I to judge? You ask. Well, for one, my IQ is higher than the average joe (I'm 132 the last time I checked), I've always done a little better than others in my life (a little is an understatement, I was always at the top schools within the top 10%, got a full ride scholarship), I learn fast, work hard, and understand things quicker than the person next to me... most of the time. I correct grammar and work of co-workers twice my age, I've managed to be promoted twice within one year- at my first (real) job, I've only been working for the Feds for 1 year and already they're talking about a manager spot for me. I'm not the smartest person I know by any means, but I'm smarter than the average Jane and Joe. Now that I've convinced you of absolutely nothing, lets move on.

Why do people do stupid things? Why is it that people do not think out their actions, or think before they perform an action? For an example, a co-worker of mine sends me an email. About 5 minutes later, she walks over to tell me she sent me an email (yup, thanks, saw it in my box) and then goes on to explain what she wrote in the email (yea... I read it as well, but I guess you just rather repeat yourself). Why do people INSIST on wasting their time doing double the work? Isn't that what email is for? Isn't the purpose of email to leave you a message. If I needed further clarification- wouldn't I approach and ask you?

Another instance of stupidity. This girl I know has been having problems with her roommate, so she bombards me in the middle of the day requesting "my opinion" on this very annoying situation that's got her "anxious." She had payed the utility bills of the new apartment she moved into for the months she did not occupy it, thinking she'd be reimbursed. When the old tenant submitted the check, one of her roommates took it and deposited it into her own account and claimed the money would go towards the cable bill. This girl, well knowing this money belonged to her, emailed her roommate and said she "wasn't sure" but she "feels" like the money belongs to her because of the situation. The roommate, who she's been having problems with, went off on her in the email, saying she made no sense. So I tell this girl what my logical no nonsense self would do- get your numbers straight, present her the numbers, no need to be dramatic, just state the facts. I told her not to use words like "unsure" and "I feel"... and of course while I am giving her this advice that she asked for- she proceeds to cut me off and tell me "I don't think I need to pull the bill. I think that's going to far, I don't need to handle it like that."

So wait- let me get this straight. First you want my advice. Then you want to get your money back. Then you want to set your roommate straight. But when I tell you stop using words like "feel" and "unsure"- which completely discredits you - you tell me I am wrong. Um, ok. How about I walk away from the 30 minutes I just spent trying to give you "advice" that you don't really want. The 30 minutes constituted her going on and on about not knowing what to do, and how to approach the situation, etc etc.

Why is it that people are willing to complain about the wrong- but do not do anything to rectify the situation when they can? I mean- she's SCARED of her roommate, and therefore she won't do anything. But why waste my time telling me you need an opinion when all you needed was a ear? If that's what you wanted, heck I wouldn't have said a word. (In fact, in retrospect I don't think I would of wasted another minute on this girl). Why don't people say what they really mean and do what they need to to assuage a situation?

Sometimes individuals want to be pitied and be in "dramatic" situations. Some people know exactly what needs to be done to fix a situation but still beat around the bush so they can whine about it. My sister has this great line she uses when she whines that irks me up the wazoo, "Can you not give me advice right now? I just need you to listen." Great, cuz I was supposed to read your mind. She's gotten better at least in that she gives me a disclaimer before our conversations now so I know to keep my mouth shut or answer away.

I guess I just can't help myself- I am a problem solver. I see a problem, I immediately look for solutions. I dislike how others sit on their problems (not the unsolvable ones) and let them be (and continue to complain and ask for pity) when there are clear solutions to them.

Last point: a recently turned intern to full time employee at work has just received a grade in scale promotion and an office. So he goes around showing everyone he's worthy of this by- coming it at 8:30am and leaving for lunch at 11am. Returning from lunch at 1pm. Answering every question asked to him by "I don't know about that, I didn't handle that part of it, I just (fill in the blank with a menial admin task)". Some people (ok most, besides his boss whose c*ck he's sucking) know he's not worthy of real work so they drab him with admin work, which he cannot even do without interrupting you about 5 times in an hour- your door is closed and you're having lunch btw- to ask you again what was it that you asked him to do. Today I had to work with this genius, and our meeting is at 1pm, and the one document I asked he prepare for the meeting is being printed at 1:05... and it's the wrong document. He was so useless I actually had to shoo him away. But his useless self finds his way back to my meeting, and as we are finishing up- he says "Well WOW, I've still got 40 minutes to blow here!"

Ok- dumbass- keep declaring the world how useless you are. Most of us sneak our long lunches, late mornings, and lack of work. But you... YOU love to show how important you are by declaring it. Where's my director when you need him???

Yes, I work with a bunch of idiots. Apparently I live in a world full of them too.

"There's a hole in the world like a great black pit, And it's filled with people who are filled with shit." ~Sweeny Todd

(Disclaimer: I wrote this on a Monday, and I am particularly harsh on Monday. So please don't be offended by my post, I hope I made you laugh a little and I hope overall you see (via my other posts maybe... wait, maybe not) that I'm not an egotistical no nonsense millennial at all...)


Thank you Doctor, for taking my money

When did doctor's offices become such assholes? I mean, aren't we paying them for a service? Why is it that I feel that I am at the mercy of someone who gets paid atleast double my salary and takes most of my salary...?

I called the dentist's office today telling them I need to speak to Mr. Dentist about the root canal he started last week. If you don't know what a root canal is- wikipedia it. It hurts. Maybe not during the process because I'm numbed up quite nicely, but afterwards it's painful. This is my second one as of recent, and my forth in my life. So I pretty much spent the holiday weekend curled up in the corner wincing in pain, waiting for the 1000mg of ibprofin to kick in. God forbid I fell asleep and surpassed more than 4 hours of no pain meds, I would wake up in unbearable pain in the middle of the morning and the medicine would take yet another hour to kick in. I'm running low on meds, and that advil crap ain't workin.

So I call up the dentist's office to ask that he see me or prescribe me something strong or SOMETHING because my stash is running low and it isn't working. I have codine in line if the pain gets bad (leftovers from wisdom tooth extractions... yes I've been through a lot of pain this year) but I don't particularly enjoy taking pain meds like that. The receptionist says he will call me back. Four hours later- no call back. No nothing. I call again and she says she will speak to Mr. Dentist and he might phone in a prescription to my pharmacy. That was an hour ago, and as I write this- their office closes in about 4 mintues.

So someone tell me when the hell people in the service industry with expertise got to be so damn snooty??? I mean, am I not PAYING for this service? Why am I the one taking the day off of work so Mr. Dentist can not work weekends, Fridays, and after 4pm? I mean... wtf?

This dentist's office is not the only office that I've delt with like this. I once had an appointment with a doctor who I was trying to obtain as a primary care physician. She gives me an appointment at 5pm. I rush there after work, seeing that I am stuck in traffic at 4:55pm- I give her a courtesy call to let her know that I am almost there. She says, in her broken Indian accent, "NO no no you can't come now the secretary is gone!" WHAT? Lady- why did you give me the appointment then? Then she goes, "What's your problem?" I explained it was like carpel tunnelish pain that disturbed my work and life (duh- desk job) and she said "oh" like it just wasn't important enough for her to handle this right now. WTF? Are you kidding me?

Doctors in the US have so much money that they do not work for- it's ridiculous. I'm not spot on on exactly how it all works (and feel free to educate me) but something as simple as an X-ray costs a lot- and though the money may not be directly coming out of our pockets, the insurance influx is boat loads. For weekend golfing trips, being home every Friday, and getting home before the rush hour even starts... can't you just frikkin call me back and give me a damn prescription??