
The Economy Sucks

There is all this talk lately with the recent big Wall Street crashes of what our presidential nominees will do. Yes, yes, all is well with us looking at the future. I do want to know Obama's plan in better detail, and I do want to find out if McCain even knew the economy was bad. However, election day is a little over a month, and the new president is coming on in about 3-4 months. So what I'm getting at here- is WHAT THE HELL IS THE CURRENT PRESIDENT OF THE US DOING???

Bush- I get you're leaving the office soon. I get you've accomplished your master plan of ruining this country, and have managed to do so in less than 8 years. But you are still the president of the US- you still need to respond to crisis when it effects the country. If someone attacked us tomorrow- would you say "let the next guy handle it"???

This article outlines in brief what Bush mentioned in response to the economy, which was a bit of nothing and the recently usual way of answering any tough questions for a Republican- answer vaguely and hope they are stupid enough to not question. The sad part is, people in this country are stupid enough to not follow up on Mr. President- what the fuck you gonna do?

Why is no one asking this question? Why is Congress not pushing the president to address these matters? Why is it that no one is saying anything about AIG being bailed out by "the government" with US tax dollars?

Have we become a country of lame ducks? We can talk (and I can write) all we want about plans, and economies, but if we do not put heat to the people in power to make the right decisions about things that will effect our lives- I guess that says a lot about a country prided in being one of the best.

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